By Melpomene Whitehead; Photos by Pruiga Phur
March, much like a man, is in like a lion and out like an eel, wet and slithery isnt that how it goes? More marches, more war, and I aint never seen more journalists at any march than I saw at the March 22 rally, where four hours worth of people wended their ways down Broadway from somewhere in the 30s (I think it was supposed to begin on 34th, but there were so many people it stretched up to 42nd st) to Washington Square Park. It was a gorgeous lamb-like day, ironically, and along the march people shopped, stopped at street vendors for hot dawgs, why, there was even a fair on Astor for a little diversion. All the while, folks with very fancy camera equipment pointed, clicked, and interviewed the unusual, like the vietnam vets against the war, and the drag queen who had the highest damn heels I ever seen. They were so high, her fishnet clad legs were quivering about 3 blocks into the march! Darling, there is something to be said for sensible shoes. I know theyre not as stylin, but were at war, yo! You gotta adapt, sister! We managed to meet up with all our friends (let me tell you what a fuckin power-group we had: writers Virginia Vitzthum, Anne Sussman, and Sarah Fisch, reporter Jen Block, former Mr. LES Mike Amato, writer and full time activist Bruce Ron, M-Word member M. David Hornbuckle, documentary filmmaker Jason Stella, video editor Tia, who, along with Jason, worked on Rev Jens controversial film, I Was A Quality of Life Violation and then theres Mel). Of course, we all got split up, and hooked up again with cellular technology how the fuck did peeps do this sort of thing before? Did they all hold hands? Geez! Amidst cries of "free Iraq," and, inexplicably, "free Palestine," I decided to chant "free beer!" which I thought was fucking funny. Later, we hooked up with Girlbomb who was still carrying her brilliant "Scaredy Cats for Peace" sign. "I spent a lot of marker-time on this," she told us. "Im using it at every rally." Somehow, even with our energetic marching and chanting, we did not end the war.
I did a couple of non-war related things this month too. One of the things
I love about living in New York City, and I know Ive said this before,
is that you can just go out randomly and find something fun and amazing that
you didnt know about before. This
time, at Continental, I found Sugar Quief. Now, before their set, my
pal Whiney G and I were making fun of them because we, as writers and
editors and also pop-culture geeks, know that its spelled QUEEF.
A queef, for those of you who are a bit more genteel than I and WG, is the sound
of air being expelled from a vagina, usually during sex or immediately upon
withdrawal. These are also known as pussy farts. So we thought, based upon their
misspelling of their own name, that they were gonna suck. But we were wrong.
I think. well, they kinda sucked, but in a conceptual/performance art/comedic
way, not in a were-trying-to-be-the-Strokes way. The songs were very crazy
and all over the place, and the lyrics, when you could understand them, were
high-larious. Plus, they all had personas, like there was the casual
Friday guy, and Titty Fight who wore a slinky red dress. I like a band that
makes me jump around and hoot and holla and laugh, and Sugar Quief does all
that. A subsequent conversation with Titty Fight, SQ guitarist, revealed that
the band debated the proper spelling of queef, but for reasons unknown to me
(maybe they were stoned?) decided on the improper spelling. It was also revealed
that TF has enjoyed the occasionally pussy fart from his gal-pals. And I do
mean enjoyed.
March is not known as the cruelest month, but it was pretty damn harsh this
time around. Not only did we have this war business, but March saw the final
performances of two of my favorite local bandsHialeah Jorge and the
Cuban Cowboys, and Janet
Vodka. First, lets deal with the Cowboys. It seems that el little
matadors other band, Hula, has become so popular that the Cuban Cowboys
have decided to devote themselves to Hulaing full-time. Jorge remains,
with his nipples, and will shortly have a new set of Cowboys to get his back,
but meanwhile, he sent off his current ninos de la vacas with a grand and bittersweet
farewell at Mercury Lounge. Ah! Dios Mio! Cowboy Madelyn assured us that
Jorge will be backede by cooler cowpokes than the current line-up of
Chad, Alex, and Mad, but how the hell could that be true? Although
I have heard that one of the new members is a certain former member of Pop
Canon, M. David Hornbuckles old band. Huh! And Ive heard
a lot about this person, and all I can say is Im shocked and awed
or something. Ill keep yall updated regarding El Cuban Cowboys.
Janet Vodka! God, I cant even
Im overcome
Vodka will be evading the impending draft by legally fleeing to Canada in
April. I always knew he was a smartie. So the rest of the band, and the whole
Red Warehouse crew, sent him off hit em up style with a special
color-coded Red Warehouse at the former Green Door. Lots of free beer to get
us all ready for St. Paddys day, too. I got there while some atrocious
band was playing, and all their friends were theretheir friends in golf
shirts tucked into their ironed jeans. That part was really scary. Luckily,
those people left when Pop Mafia came on. They thought the Mob was TOO LOUD.
Pussy farts! That was fine by me, it wasnt like there was a dearth of
peeps there or anything. Later, Janet Vodka played their final show, accompanied
by Satans Cheerleaders and that dude from TrancePop Loops
playing the dobro. JV was one of a handful of bands who combined a fun show
with intelligent and interesting songs. And Chris, Ron and RJ, the core
of JV, are stupendous musicians. I know theyre all onto the next thing
already, but Im going to miss them so much, you really have no
idea. Come back, Chris!!! Ill hide you in my closet from those nasty bookies
who are after you! Geesus, I almost forgot about The Ritchies, featuring
everyone's favorite wrassler, the WWF Poet. The Ritchies are fun in the
same way the Tuff Darts are fun--they play no-frills punk rock with very
silly lyrics. Well, not quite no frills. That chick on guitar took a couple
of mean solos, perhaps invoking the undead ghost of J. Mascis, the dude
who brought the geetar solo back to punk rock. That, and total dysfunctionality.
Not the Ritchies! They're not dysfunctional! J. Mascis! The Ritchies are fully
After only two weeks, Mickeys Blue Room kicked Frank Wood outta
booking Tuesday night there! But the M-Word played the last show and
convinced the manager to continue booking music. They rocked, in the
rocking sense. The tiny room was packed
with hoodies who wandered in to see what all the noise was about. It
was about math, I think, and philosophy, and the crosstown bus, which amazingly
stops right outside Mickeys! The M-Word that night was mucho, as
in mucho caliente, while they energetically entertained the Blue Room
crowd with their intellectual acousto-math rock. I was also entertained by the
awesome selection of tap brews, including my fave, Magic Hat No. 9. Plus, they
have a trivia game AND a 25 cent cashew machine. Blue Room women loudly wondered
how that crazy drummer Poisson DAvril was going to continue rocking
for the next 35 minutes, when he had been so demonically crazy during the first
ten that hed already lost 10 pounds of water weight. "Oh, he can
keep it up all night," deadpanned Hornbuckle. Can he? Is that a threat
or a promise?
I managed to see Hula in their first show since leaving the Cuban Cowboys,
oddly at the same place I last saw the Cowboys. Mercury Lounge was packed
with hipsters swaying to Hulas sultry, jangly, indie-pop. Id say
trancy, but I dont want you to think that theyre one of those
bands, you know, the boring ones. Hula are entrancing, but theyre
definitely not going
to lull you to sleep. Their songs combine an uncommon sweetness along with an
unsettling sadness that makes invokes a luscious melancholy that will leave
you aching for more. Go to for more info about them.
Finally, after like 209 tries (five, ok? FIVE), my crack team of smart-asses won the $200 first prize in the Big Quiz Thing. Immediately, one of us tried to buy delicious cookies from the second place team. We were hungry! And now that theyve increased the trivia-frequency to twice a month, we have even more chances to eat! I mean lose! I mean win! The Big Quiz Thing will be every other Monday at the Slipper Room. And I will forever know that penguin means white head. How did I miss that one?
Melpomene Whitehead has written for Harpers, Brills Content, Time, the New York Daily News, and New York Press. She is currently working on a novel and a collection of short stories. You can read more at and email her at